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Fionnuala Fagan

Fionnuala Fagan is a singer-songwriter, musician and installation artist. She has worked for a diverse range of companies including, Primecut Productions, Kabosh Theatre Company, Tinderbox Theatre Company, Big Telly Theatre Company, National Museums NI (Ulster American Folk Park), Reminiscence Network NI, Queen’s University (J.A.M.), Belfast School of Music, Armstrong Learning Ltd and Glenelly Historical Society.

Fionnuala is currently studying for a PhD at SARC after being awarded a D.E.L. studentship in August 2011. Her practice-led research will explore ideas for the alternative documentation of personal and cultural memories and narratives of Belfast through song-writing, sound and interdisciplinary art practices.


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Isobel Anderson

Isobel Anderson is a vocalist, songwriter, and installation artist. She has performed at various venues and cultural events including Belfast's Open House Music Festival, Moving on Music and Glastonbury Festival. Her sound works have been programmed at The San Francisco Tape music Festival, The Linen Hall library, The Curfew Tower and and her radio broadcast include BBC Radio 2, BBC Radio 3 and, BBC 6 Music and The Guardian's Music Podcast.

In 2010 she won an AHRC Scholarship to study for a practice-led PhD at SARC exploring the role of language and voice in sound art, and their  immersive potentials for communicating and constructing cartographies of self and place.

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